Sunday, May 4, 2008


yesterday im going for scuba lesson in pool in mrsm..sgt sedey UMT tak ada pool.. almost 5 hours ok..memang mengigil memang best!!

after balik dari body start to feel itchy!!!i start scratching my body like monkey!!dem it..mengadu pada yang tersayang, he said maybe sbb klorin kat dalam pool i browse for more it is..
When chlorine is added to water, another dissociation occurs. When we add chlorine+water, we get a reaction which leaves us with hypochlorous acid+hydrochloric acid. Hypochlorous acid is the active, killing form of chlorine. This is what does the real sanitizing work. The chlorine molecule or ion kills microorganisms by slashing through the cell walls and destroying the inner enzymes, structures and processes. When this occurs, the cell has been deactivated, or oxidized. The hypochlorous molecule continues this slash & burn until it combines with a nitrogen or ammonia compound, becoming a chloramine, or it is broken down into its component atoms, becoming de-activated itself.

No doubt about it, chlorine certainly is a hazardous product, with some forms of it being more dangerous for the handler and the environment than other forms. Chlorine in a solution of water at levels found in swimming pools pose no danger for swimmers. Allergic reactions to chlorine are rare, however some individuals may experience skin irritation. Chloramines, sometimes found in poorly balanced water, are the cause of occasional red eyes when swimming. Extremely high levels of chlorine in the water could possibly release enough gas off of the surface in certain conditions to render breathing difficulties.

so, seems like i have allergic reaction skit kat sini..mata pon memng sangat merah lepas balik dari pool..T_T

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