Monday, December 13, 2010


I am not a big fan of burger bur lately I just ate too much burger...
I always having problem buying berger at MCD...dunno which burger to choose because I just don't like burger with veggies..hahahah 
I have my favourite now: beefburger with only RM3..hahah heaven..
try to google the pics but can't find it
I always love beefburger than chicken burger..
but this time, the bun that catch my tongue..nyummeyh!

Subway is new definition for my favorite burger..
hmh...go buy subway with total RM25 and above and claim ur own 2011 subway calendar..
the precious thing about the calendar is, u got free coupon for every months next year!!
such as buy one free one burger!

maybe the poster will change next year..who knows?

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

What are we paying for?

Bayar mahal dari hostel lain..
perabot dah terkopak sana sini..
lampu asyik bling bling jer..
and toilet macam orang tak dak tangan yang cuci..
maybe orang yang tak dak tangan cuci lagi bersih!!!

memang sangat tak puas hati dengan servis yang disediakan..
sekali komplen, sekali cuci..
toilet sangat bersih makcik sebelum ni cuci..
tukang cuci baru nie macam malas buat kerja..
kalau setakat simbah air paip kat lantai, satu jari aku bleh buat..
bengang betol!!!

and bertambah bengang bila student pon bangang sama..
buang sisa makanan dalam sinki and tak reti nak cuci balik!!!
kalau makcik cleaner mai bersih 24 hours lain cerita!!
toilet RnR way better tahu??

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Sama tapi tak serupa

Replace her

with her

in the next Transformer, I'll never noticed...

and her

with her

again, I'll never noticed too..

no variation right??

Saturday, October 9, 2010


My new addiction...
gigih nie mendonload..
so far season 2 jer yang complete sebab season one tertinggal 2 episode kat my sister...
and lagi dua episode jer nak abeskan season 2 ni and terasa sayang pulak...
sebab dah habes nanti tak dapat tengok dah...huhuh
terus google season 3..
dah keluar!!!
and I love Parker!!!hihihi

Monday, September 27, 2010

Thriller movie

When I watched thriller movie, I am very much prefer to know what is the thriller all about..
ghost, monster, dinosaur, snake etc...

I watched Piranha today..
the movie is so so..
Ok lah..
but better download and not wasting your money watched at cinema like I did..
not worth it..

If the thriller is so "thrill"
and know nothing about it, 
I'll wait for the cd to come out..
rather then sweat like hell in cinema so nervous..
not cool..

Sunday, August 22, 2010

second hand book store

I heard about this second hand bookstore years ago..
located at georgetown area or chowrasta area
 and i am not really sure where the hell exactly this store!!

My high school teacher said it was a really good store..
Dila raden said its cheap..
and Mun's and her friend said the book store is amazing..
and again I'm not sure were they talking about the same bookstore..

I'll find out soon..very very soon!!promised!
budget restricted now..i ca't afford buying new books but second hand book will do..;)

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Bukan dugaan bertunang..
tapi dugaan nak abeskan master nie ngn dugaan nak kawen!!!!

Ya Allah, murahkan dan permudahkan lah urusan ku..

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Penat tunggu 2 hari nak tengok pengumuman puasa mula bila..
keliru dengan tarikh-tarikh yang telah diwar-warkan..
terjawab lah sudah segalanya malam tadi..
tunggu punya lama tapi pengumuman tak sampai seminit pon..adehh..
kejap jer feeling..

pasti ramai sedang menahan lapar dan dahaga sekarang kan??


Monday, August 9, 2010


setelah sekian lama tak update blog..tiada sebarang alasa..hanya malas..dulu takder laptop boleh lah bagi alasan takmau pinjam laptop orang..sekarang??hihihi 
dah ada laptop baru *wink*

cerkon 1: Bahasa melayu vs english language
setelah sekian lama tidak menulis artikel/rencana/karangan dalam bahasa melayu, terasa bahasa melayu aku sangat teruk..teruk yang tak dapat diterima akal..sejak dari matrik lagi dah di asuh untuk tulis jawapan peperiksaan dan masa ijazah dulu artikel semua dalam English language. Tesis untuk projek tahun akhir pon dalam English. Jadi berazam untuk menyeimbangkan kedua-dua bahasa..anda semua pon harus begitu juga. 

note: English dah lah tunggang langgang, tak kan bahasa ibunda sendiri pon nak di anak tiri kan??

Cerkon 2: majlis graduasi
tak-tak..belum lagi..tapi baru-baru ni majlis konvokesyen di USM..sangat meriah..berangan-angan untuk majlis graduasi sendiri Insyaallah tahun hadapan..sedang berusaha bersungguh-sungguh ke arah itu..kepada kawan-kawan ehem adik-adik yang dah jadi graduan tu, tahniah!!!especially to yaya darling!!!

gambar curi dari facebuk yaya..yaya, I love u and always miss u!!!huhu

cerkon 3: wifi
kat umah dah ada wifi..hahahhaah yes!!!

bye :p

Friday, July 23, 2010

waiting more than 5 years..

I will have laptop on my own..

Biar lambat asal dapat..

Always hand me down jer...
tapi bersyukur apa yang ada...
jgn kufur nikmat..:)

Saturday, July 17, 2010

We're living in reality

In other way of me saying "stop reading twilight books!!!they're not real!!"
well..I'm back to my twilight fever again..
for the moment, i dont have a laptop..
I'm borrowing Ain's...
So, most of the time n my room, I re-read my Twilight books again..
not healthy...

World cup is finally end.. I know it is to late to talk about world cup but I just don't care..
I also can't believe that I stayed up to accompany him watching final game at Nasi kandar..
Final game is boring...full stop..
The next day I became zombie, incoherent and emotionally unstable yet cranky..
such a baby!!

Semester is open now..
Campus and hostel full again with all the students..
I'm certainly not happy about it..
It is so hard to park my car at campus and hostel,
and pak guard start strict again..

I wish I'm finishing my master soon..
I am so devastated now..
Another one year to go......

Monday, June 28, 2010


I really want to update but dunno what to write here..
I keep saying in my mind when i am not in front of computer of course or going out somewhere that i'll update my blog 
but yeah being a typical procrastinator, it has been weeks i guess..

I did some stalking..
A lot of friend getting engaged..
congrats to all!!!
for those who planned, just get it done babeh!!:)

I am planning again to write about road safety and driving stuff..
but i think it is just another plain and random topic..
just abandoned that..teehee

so, there are 2 tags waiting for me but boring one..hahahaha
i'll do my duty soon!!!

Sunday, June 20, 2010


Why did you buy online?

a. No time to shoping
b. the price is cheaper 
c. more choices
d. All the above

my answer: kerana turutkan sangat perasaan sebab tengok benda tu cantik..hahah 
khas untuk my rumet kesayangan..jgn marah Ain..hihi so far, i didn't success on buying DRESS online..takut tak muat yada yada yada..better cari kat kedai jer..

by the way, I like lace dress..anyone know any good link??:p
I want to feel what other people feel when bought dress online..hhihihi

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

E-day, the event #1

I got present!!!yeay..2 jer pon..hihi thanks to my
cousin bagi baju kurung sepasang and tudung..
and to my sis, Kak Uda..hadiah ko memang lain dari yang lain and macam perli pon ader..hhaha
btw, I like!!!:)

Ni plak hantaran from my side
and below from his side

next is my mini pelamin

thats all for now..nanti sambung lagik..hihihi

p/s: click kat pic to enlarge!:)

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


seriously not fun and I am so nervous now..
nervous yang betui2 nervouse hence I still blogging here..

Ya Allah, 
harapnya tak ramai lecturer esok tinggal sorang jer pon takper
and no soalan-soalan yang tak tercapai dek akal..huhuhuh

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Buat masa ni, 
saya hilang nikmat tidur..harap sangat untuk seketika jer..
pening okeh bangun pagi2..

maybe sebab stress nak present ker aper ker tak sure lah..

I feel nausea now..
mata pon merah jer..

presentation, please lah cepat habis and jangan tanya soklan bukan-bukan..
i need my sleep again!!!

Thursday, May 27, 2010


takut betul nak presentation next week..
20 minit..
sangat berharap agar panel bukan dari bidang yang sama..huhhuhu

Monday, May 24, 2010

My need

I need a new handbag!!!
as desperately need!!!
seriously, I really need a new handbag..
did I mentioned I need new handbag??

I don't have any particular design of bag that I want..
But I really badly want sling bag quite long time ago..
So, sling bag can be the first choice..
yet, I need space..
so maybe I need to find sling bag with not so big space..
just enough for me to dump my things and his things inside..

No particular design and color  really a major problems..
Both my unties got a handbag with so many colors and I kinda like them though..
but...I don't know...

A few brands linger in my mind...
Esprit, Mango, Carlo Rino, Roxy, Billabong..
the very last choice will be Sembonia and Padini..
Their price within my budget..
I don't need expensive bag but brand is matter..heheheh hope there will be discount some more..
lets pray hard on that!!!

we'll see how it goes when I really go to hunt my handbag!!

Oh, and I just need ONE..

Thursday, May 20, 2010


ni nak citer skit pasal melayu kita..
bukan nak memburukkan sesama kaum tapi mintak amik jadikan renungan..
ecececeh..mcm nak bagi tazkirah plak..huhuhuh

so, I am not well for 5 days..
2 hari pertama sakit pala berdenyut-denyut sampai nak solat pon payah..rasa macam nak terkeluar biji mata bila tunduk..huhuuh
lagi balance 3 hari tu, demam panas sebab sakit pala yang melampau itu..

demam hari yang pertama tu tak lah rasa teruk sangat tapi cukuplah untuk memanjakan diri sendiri berehat..
tapi bila malam suhu badan meningkat dengan mendadak..amik keputusan esok nye kena jugak p klinik..
zaman moden skang nie demam skit kena p klinik, ngade2 sungguh..
sebab virus kuman bagai semua tu dah makin advanced..
kang kena denggi ker H1N1 ker (nauzubillah)..

I am all alone at home nak drive tu memang tak berani lah sebab tak sihat..
so, ajak lah Cik Nur'Ain my super-duper-lovely-you-are-the-best datang untuk teman and bawak g klinik..
going to klinik masa tu dah dekat kul 1 tghr lah sbb sebelum tu hujan sangat lebat..
first, going to klinik Melayu 1,
tengok2 dah tutup untuk rehat 
masa rehat 1-3 ptg!!
lamanya lah hai...

ok ok..takper..

went to klinik Melayu 2,
rehat jugak tapi kali ni,
masa rehat 12.30- 3 ptg..
mak aih..up lagi rehat..

fine...p umah my grandma makan nasik dulu...after that ask her for the nearest klinik..
dier pon bagi direction bla bla bla..

went to klinik Melayu 3..
masa ni jam dah pukul 3 lebih...
masa rehat 1-4 petang!!!
what the hell!!

before masuk p klinik melayu tu nampak lah klinik cina nearby, dah buka and ramai plak yang menunggu....
bila pikir2 balik..macam mana nak maju kalau rehat pun 3-4 jam..

then p jugak lah cari klinik melayu yang seterusnya sebab nak support melayu punya pasal..
time ni hingus pon dah leleh macam air paip!!
so, jumpa lah klinik yang buka and takdak patient pon..
register terus masuk jumpa doktor tak samapi 5 minit..
amik ubat, byr and blah...

it only took 5 minutes to see doctor but nak cari klinik yang buka dekat 2 jam!!!
buat abes minya keta jer..
Melayu kita, jom lah upgrade...

Friday, May 14, 2010

Double standard

I don't think anybody like double standard or treated like there is a double standard..
I don't like it either..
Lets just talk about very simple thing that happened in my university life..
kalau nak cakap dari zaman sekolah rendah ntah bila abes entry nie..

As a student, undergraduate postgraduate post doctoral as long as you are a student I don't see the purpose of double standard..
no matter where you from and what you want to do..
past is past..
important is the present..
and how you perform and delivered is matter..

graduate from not so popular university never made me shame of myself..
though, I'd rather proud..
I daresay that the lesson I learned there together with the technologies provided is really updated..

I think practical lesson is more effective rather than taking exam and theories..
but some people don't think so..


Tuesday, May 11, 2010


I hate making decision..
but we need the option..
I don't think people like to be in the situation where there is no option..
But sometimes, we don't need the option..

I really hope that I can be there to support..
but the circumstances didn't allow me to do so..
I am sorry and really hope it is the best for everybody..

I'll support from far ok??

Monday, May 10, 2010

Salad and Rayyan

I dislike veggies..
I do not know why yet i don't really care..
But, yesterday is buang tebiat...

Went out with Ain and En.Kanda to meet Rafi and his wife Sue with little baby Rayyan..
Rayyan is nearly 2 months old!!!
So, cute, fragile, smell nice except when he poo poo while we were about to have supper
But he cried so loud for his age and I kinda panic when I heard his crying...hahahah
nampak sangat belum bersedia ke arah itu :p

We went to Breeks again at Gurney to have dinner for Sue and Rafi while it is supper for us..
Flip the menu back and forth I seriously dunno what to eat so I end up suggest to E.Kanda that we will share our supper..
I ordered SALAD!!!!!

Seriously I dunno what the hell am I thinking by ordering Salad????
Its a beef salad..
When I think again, I ordered that because of the beef...not the salad and the picture is so yummy on the menu book..haish

When the salad arrived, I was like starring at my plate and eat the beef first...
Then I tried the veggies since it is a condition from En.Kanda..
I really taste the veggie thoroughly this time..
because i want to remember why I dislike veggies so much at the first place..

For me, it is not about the taste..but its about the texture..
the texture of the veggies in my mouth is so weird..
it is so light and tasteless and bla bla bla..

I try my best to love veggies but I am just not...hihihi

p/s: I am still waiting for the picture to be upload..I'll put soon....

Saturday, May 8, 2010


I am not feeling well past two days..seriously tired and feel like I am going to faint and i never faint in my life before like I didn't eat anything for a week! the kind of feel on your first day of fasting...!for me...

It is hard for me to breath..honestly I feel so exhausted..I feel not enough oxygen and my head is spinning make it worse, I had diarrhea..(-_-")

These symptoms going on and on for two days and a half minus the going-to-toilet-so-often part..
I talk to Eve and she said she experienced it before..
and she said don't stressed!!!


I personally don't think so..

I talked to Mak Bonda too..she asked why I didn't show up at office yesterday and I explained to her..
She said it is normal if you having these kind of symptoms while your 'good friend' visit..
It is the process of cleaning up your system..

I don't think so..

What do you think??


Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Nasi goreng kampung

I am officially loveeeeee Nasi goreng kampung at Breeks Queensbay Mall..
It just simple but hot and spicy..
Most important, no veggies..


and the price is good too.....

lets' learn together

I always curious why Yaya posting "menu" is not the same as mine..
accidentally, I just figured out how...
If you're still using the old post editor, you might want to change to an update one where all the extra tools to make your writing easier..
Go to setting and find global setting,
don't forget to click save ...
click to enlarge

Good luck!!!


here I am, stuck my nose on this screen doing serious stuff like writing..
answering questions for conference..
writing a journal which is still in progress and I'm stuck and of course writing in this blog..
I just feel the need to write..
but not on the serious matter..


It is past midnight..
I've drugged myself with caffeine but I need to sleep..
What a stupid action..
Seriously, you can't really think straight when you depress..
I am hungry!!!!!
that's officially made me more depressed!!!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


I can't say it is their fault and also I would like to stress out that this is not our fault too..
Surely we will do everything in our power to ensure that we will grip it tightly for solid two years but..
It seems like they did it on purpose.. sabotaging us..get rid of us..
not fair..
but with His will, we will fight for our right..

sound like I'm going to war..

depress betul!!!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Nervous and half done

I am so nervous just now..

but when I laid my eyes on it, I just shocked!!!

I never imagine it to be that gorgeous (of course from my point of view)!!

please next week come soon..

so I can try it on...

I am happy!!

the nervous is gone!!

I am excited!!

even it is half done..hihihihihi

He say She say

I want this,

He want that,

Compromise..shall we??

I Love You

Friday, April 30, 2010

Decision and time

pic source: google ler..hihihi

time flies so fast = make a quick decision

my problem is or are: I know what I want but it is so easy for me to listen for others opinion..
at the end, I just realize that is what they want, not what I want..

There are certain things in your life that people can step in, especially family and closest friend..
but there is a limit..
I think I gave all the necessary things to them..

It is time for me to stand for my right and tell them what I want..
sound harsh??
I hope not T_T

tick tock tick tock
I need to think and act fast..
The time is so close now..

slow down time..please...

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Missing stuffs

I lost 2 bank cards in a week..
I am so careless..
After all the document-need-to-be-signed-to-get-new-cards settle, I lost my book..
Not just an ordinary book, but book of my data recorded for my project..

This is more terrible than lost 2 bank cards...

Thursday, April 1, 2010


I hate dealing with papers!!!

it getting me crazy coz i did'nt keep all of them properly..

whatever it is..

i just don't like papers!!

we should be more sustainabale right?

Help to make the world as a better place without papers..

Save the trees...:D

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Tick Tock


I am getting crazy with all the last minute info and deadline!!!

I force my self to write and write and write..

Presentation coming soon babeh!!

I am so scared!!!!

Ya Allah..give me strength to do everything right!!

Don't give up!!!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Habis belajar

no no no no..
tak habis lagi..banyak lagi yang tak siap..
susah dalam erti kata penuh cabaran dan dugaan dan liku-liku untuk siapkan projek master ni..
i'll try my best!!!

letih dah nak jawab bila orang tanya bila nak abes belajar..
well, lambat lagi..
kenapa lambat?
sebab banyak lagi tak setel..
apa yang tak setel lagi?
publish writing, journal ka, apa ka..yang penting publish..
pastu sampling pon tak abes lagi, ada lagi 2 kali sampling untuk 4 sampling site and setiap sampling site ader 3 station and setiap station ader 9 sampel..ha..kira sendiri lah yer..
pastu presentation apa pon tak buat lagi, syarat wajib untuk dapat master kena present masa colloquium..bila nak daftar tak tau lah...fasa pertama lagi 20% jer tinggal and then ingatnya baru nak daftar and nak publish dulu separuh data ni as an information..banyak lagi kan...?

kenapa orang asyik tanya bila nak abes belajar??
for me, belajar and being a student tambah2 full time research student is so much fun. i have to learn to manage my own time and at the same time, i can learn so many things. banyak boleh belajar masa jadi pelajar ni. I take for granted my undergraduate life but now i think its time for me to move on. Really involve myself in so many activities but i never forget my study.

and i want to declare something here, i only can get married AFTER i finish my study..
so, memandangkan saya sangat enjoy student life saya, so lambat lagi lah nak kawin ok..heheheh
saper nak kawin dulu silakan..proceed....:P

Monday, March 15, 2010

old and new..past and present..but we looking forward for the future..

Finally, the day of Maslia's and Farid's reception is arrived..
I am so excited even I am so broke that the day has come..
Waiting is so tiring... :)

me with all my partners in crime..

As usual I want to be there early for her..
I just want to be there early from everybody else..
And i dont exactly know why...:p
So, we depart from Penang, 9.30 am...
Its not that far anyway..hehe
We stop at RnR Gunung Semanggul for breakfast..

The moment is hers, and i really want to be by her side while she enjoying the moment..
It is an overwhelming situation..hehehe
And all of us wearing purple as she requested!!
We arrived!!

I am not that perfectionist, but for my best friend wedding and she is the very first one, I want her to be fully satisfied with all the preparation she did...Yup, i didn't help her for the preparation but the least that I can do is to make sure she is happy and content on her wedding day and turn out to be she is not!!!She keep complaining about her wedding dress which I can't do nothing and her hand bouquet...sigh -_-"

Whatever it is, that is Maslia that I know ages ago...:p

and the complaining part is paid off...surprise dear!!!!
As i didn't buy any present for her yet becoz i really dunno what to, I gave her the hand bouquet!!

on the phone with Farid, ask him to wait until we arrived..hahaha

right on time..yeah!!Just a few minutes before she walked to the hall..

The first person that I met is Rizq...We met a few times before all in Maslia engage-solemnization ceremony..but still I missed her..T_T

Next is Faza. We only talked for a few minutes coz she had to rush to another wedding..

Then Odi the mr.pilot in da house..heheheh i used to save his name in my handphone as Mr.pilot..I am proud that one of my friend is a pilot..I don't see the connection here..whatever..:p now, I don't have his number at all..format handphone nyer pasal..huhuhu

And then the rest.......

And I still can't believe that we still used the same term to appoint each old form4 and new form4..hahaha grown up all!!!! :p

The boys with their own forum and so the girls..Maybe we really used to it since in high school -_-"

and to be honest, most of us not getting any taller but...ah, u know what I am talking about..sorry!!hahahah

The photo session is so loooonngggggg...
please check my facebook for more photos...

I'll hope that i can continue soon..internet is damn slow!!!

Gambar wajib...Selamat Pengantin Baru buat sahabat tersayang Maslia Hidayu and Farid..
Semoga berbahagia sehingga ke syurga.. :D

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

bangun pagi-pagi

Sekarang hari-hari terasa nak bangun awal..memang kena bangun pun sebab kerja banyak sangat..
tapi sangat happy bila bangun awal dengan syarat tidur mestilah cukup..

rutin sekarang dah berubah sikit sejak bangun awal..emosi lebih stabil dan gembira..
rasa lebih banyak kerja yang siap..

sekarang sebelum kul 12 atau kul 1 dah tidur dah..
bangun pagi segar jer..heheheh

tujuan utama entri adalah untuk mengucapkan terima kasih kepada en.beliau kerana sabar melayan kerenah saya bangun lambat dan train saya bangun awal..
nak bangun awal pun kena training okeh (-_-")..

tak elok bangun lamabt-lambat..baru sedar sekarang..
harapnya berjaya mengekalkan prestasi bila balik umah nanti..

target setiap hari adalah sudah berada di kampus sekitar jam 9-10 pagi..

9.59pagi pon boleh diterima kan??heheheh

Friday, March 5, 2010


past 2 3 days,
I did overtime..
It is not about payment..
I didn't get any..
but doing work with the people I love is a moment that i really appreciate!!!

I love them and I love my work now..
All my work..

thanks (^.^)

Monday, March 1, 2010

once in a month

there will be one time where you really feel
  • energy-less
  • lazy
  • over-sensitive
  • easy to be hurt physically and mentally
  • easy to cry-hish, childish!!
  • lack of enthusiasm
  • moody
  • hungry all the time- makan baca bismillah ok
  • hot in terms of sweating most of the time. Not in term of feeling sexy whatsoever
  • talking nonsense
  • heartless
Just blame on the hormone ok?

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Student jer pon..

Kali ni berblog dalam bahasa melayu..yer, kita kena bangga dengan bahasa ibunda kita..tak nak mengulas banyak pasal bahasa-bahasa ni..saya bukan pakar bahasa..(-_-")

Saya terbaca sengaja membaca blog-blog mereka ini. Fatin Liyana dan Hanis Zalikha. Mungkin ada yang kenal mereka mungkin ada yang tidak. Oh, ini bukan nak cerita tentang blog mereka, tapi nak ulas pasal entri terbaru mereka. Dua-dua pasal kes kecurian dan rompakan. Dua-dua pelajar universiti. Sorang kat dalam negara, sorang kat luar negara. Apa pon mereka ni pelajar lah kan.

  1. Kes Pertama
Sila klik link beliau ini dan baca.
Apa komen anda?Kasut crocs jer kot. Bukan lah kata nak berlagak kalau anda mampu beli kasut crocs yang asli, tetapi sampai sanggup nak masuk bilik ambik kasut tu yang macam melampau pulak. Lainlah kalau kasut tu memang diletak kan di luar ker. Logik jugak. Kepada si pencuri, cuba bayangkan barang anda di ambil pulak. Mungkin bukan kasut crocs, tapi barang yang lebih berharga, macam mana?

Ye, kasut ku pernah dua kali di curi. Sabar jer lah. Memang sakit hati nak nangis semua ada.

2. Kes Kedua
Klik plak kat sini baca dulu entri beliau.
Saya agak ambil berat kerana adik bongsu saya berada di negara tersebut. Mereka satu kos. Haih, kalau jadi kat adik sendiri memang aku nangis suruh dier p pindah asrama Nauzubillah. SERIUS. Yer, kak me, sila pertimbangkan.
Pelajar, duk negara jiran plak tu. Kesian tau, tak kisah lah keluarga kaya ker miskin ker, diorang nie pelajar tau. Pelajar di zaman yang moden lagi berteknologi ni pulak lagi kan. Biasalah, nota assignment semua dalam laptop. Tak dalam laptop, dalam external, tak dalam external, pendrive. Dan pencuri-pencuri itu memang tidak berhati perut kalau ada hati pon memang busuk sebab amik semua tu. hhuhuhuhuhuh susah bila tak dak semua tu. Peringatan pada yang tidak terkena dan mintak dijauhkan la segala malapetaka, mungkin bagus kalau nota2 gambar2 disimpan dalam email atau upload kat blog ker aper web ker. Korang lebih arif benda-benda berteknologi nie, Untuk bakc up. tak dapat banyak, sikit pon jadi lah. kurang2 ada.hmmmm

Dulu masa kat Terengganu, pernah lah rumah kawan-kawan kena masuk dengan pencuri. Tapi pencuri nie ada otak jugak lah, sebab amik semua hp kamera duit syiling tapi laptop tak ambik. Diorang tau umah student. Yang nie tak tau lah nak cakap baik ker tak. Tapi mencuri tetap mencuri cuma ada plak timbang rasa. Semoga mereka sedar and kemabali ke jalan yang benar.

Nak ulas panjang-panjag memang tak reti. Tapi marah dan sakit hati sebab, kalau barang anda seperti handset Nokia 3310 kena curi pon rasa nak nangis and rasa lost gile kan??

Biarlah murah atau mahal, tapi bila hak orang, jangan amik..ok?

Semoga ALLAH melindungi kita semua..Amiiiiinn..

Friday, February 26, 2010

3 cerita

Okeh..hari ini saya akan menceritakan pengalaman dan pendapat saya menonton 3 movie dalam tempoh 2 minggu..bukan lah rajin sangat, tapi dah orang ajak tengok kita pun p lah tengok beramai-ramai..

  1. Percy Jackson and The Lightning Thief
Watching with: C.tipah and husband, Yaya, Shuk, En.Kanda and me myself

Why watching this movie: Because the ticket person said this movie is way better than Wolfman and it is true indeed. Initially plan, we want to watch Wolfman becuse C.tipah husband, Abg.Arman really want to watch this movie, but we switched.

Review: We know zero about this movie. Have no intention to watch this movie at all. At first, I am asking myself, who the hell is this Percy Jackson?Never heard of him!!!But the movie turn out to be good for me. I like the storyline. Fast, and not boring. The heroin is so beautiful, Alexandra something if I'm not wrong. I like her eyes!!!And there is my not favorite actress, Uma Thurman, but I really like her as Medusa in this movie!!!But yeah, the movie is all about fiction and nothing is true. Just for entertainment purpose. Kenapa lah orang putih suka buat cerita yang menipu tapi kita pulak asyik suka nak pergi tengok (-_-)"

But, i google about this movie after watching it, ada buku rupanya..hahahah

Rating: 3.5 over 5 stars!!

picture source;

2. Valentines day

Watching with: En. Kanda, Alin and yeah, me again lah kan?

Why watching this movie: Initially planned, we want to watch Avatar 3D, but fulled!!yeah, I haven't watch Avatar yet. Nak tengok 3D punya pasal...T_t

Review; I only like the variety of the actress and actors but the story line is sooooooo weak!!!Especially Taylor Swift and Taylor Lautner plot!! Sepi or Cinta is wayyyyyy better. But, the Julia Robert part is really unpredictable.

Rating: 1.5 over 5!!

picture source;

3. Niyang Rapik

Watching with; En. Kanda, Ain, Alin and myself

Why watching this movie: Because it is horror but not so horror movie??

Review; Ok. We can predict the story line and the plot is a bit different. A lot of flashback like a puzzle. But just easy to put all the puzzle together. I don't really know how to comment about this movie, but i guess there are improvement for Malaysian film industry.

Rating: 3.5 over 5 stars

Hope it will help to make a choice!!POYO..hihihiih

pic source;

Friday, February 19, 2010

being organized

Yeah, a lot of topic coming out from my minds now. Tips and information as i can say. Lately, my brain cells really expanding. Non stop of thinking. Giving me headache. Maybe because I am 24 now. Yeah, oldddddddd!!

So, as an old matured, lets talk about something very informative other than boring and usual life with tons of work and work and work.
So, the topic for today is organized.

I shared my room with the same roommate for nearly 5 years. We know each other quite well and no problem at all. I am not really very organized person and so does she. We have our own way to ensure that the room is always clean. But, her stuff always more organized than I do. yeah, reality hurts.

I'm alone now in this room since two days ago, I have a lot of time to clean up and arrange my stuff but I didn't put any effort to do any cleaning. I let my stuff and clothes(which still in the bag) lay down at the floor. But, nah, I didn't let myself drowned in this mess for another day. I started to feel uncomfortable and my body and mind really react to the surrounding.
more or less like this. Picture source: google

My booster to do cleaning is NEW THING. Anything, pants, shirt, undies, as long as it is a new thing that i just bought, mood to clean up everything really coming to my sense. So, I bought this not only to boost my mood but to arrange my clothes in my not-so-arrange closet.

As you know, hostel utilities is very basic. It is up to you how you want to arrange your things and stuffs. And i find that i really love this additional shelves. Easy to install into your closet and it really helping you being more organized.

When I clean up last night, I realized something about myself, I tend to put things into box or container. Because it look nice neat and clean. Yeah, maybe I should practicing more and maybe I should boy more boxed to put my stuff?? For me, it is the easiest way. When you put stuffs into box and arrange them nicely, it is easy for you to reach and looking for things. Like this,

I like them so much!! And mind you, even dirty clothes have their own storage and I always want my laundry to be put in these baskets:

Nice right? But, not now. The price is not relevant for a student. ;p

And one day, I wish my closet will be look like this

yeah, dreaming is matter..happy cleaning!!!

all picture source:google