Monday, March 30, 2009

syok bekerja ker belajar??

im study and working at the same, setiap kali ujung bulan kaki nie asyik nak p bank jer..hahaha syok jugak ader duit sendiri..tak pyh mntk duit kat family..=)
memandangkan gaji ku yang tak seberapa and cukup-cukup mkn so kena bajet betui2..dah ader duit tak lari dari perkataan bershopping kalau dah namanya pompuan..heheh tak leh nak beli semua benda sekaligus aper yang diidamkan sebab tak pasal kena puasa tgh, every month ader wishlist..

wishlist untuk bulan nie..
-nak lengkapkan Twilight saga (dah ader eclips and breaking dawn, just beli Twilight and new moon) = checked
-cadar baru untuk katil di hostel =checked
-janji-janji manis pada umiku (cuci kereta, antar kedai je and ader brg keperluan)=checked
-DVD Twilight original (sebab ader penanda buku) =next month plak sebab tak cukup bajet
-Buku cerita Cecilia ahern untuk adik tersayang di Indonesia =checked (yer..saya kakak mithali..hahaha)

nie jer untuk list bulan nie..duit selebihnya untuk simpanan kawin..=p

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Wherever u wanno go, u can go but pay my money first!!!


Gaji yang pttnyer dapat 3 minggu yang lepas samapii sekarang tak dapat-dapat lagi..

Dah abes bajet bulan nie!!

I am pissed!!!

Boleh plak gaji orang lain dah dapat tapi gaji aku plak tercicir!!

Selalu paling lambat pon 2 minggu jer..

Nie dah minggu ke 3..

Living in hostel need more money..tambah-tambah nak mkn..

No Shopping tau!!!

Be responsible..dah komplen bleh plak bos g cuti-cuti Malaysia!!!

hangin tol!!!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Kalau orang tua cakap jangan tegur, JANGAN TEGUR ye...!!

Kena adil dan saksama..tadi cakap pasal movie and hasil Hollywood, sekarang kita cakap hasil negara yang tercinta, Malaysia..yeah!!!

Kalau tak silap, press conference untuk filem "JANGAN TEGUR" release hari nie, tp tayangan perdana untuk student USM yang berminat untuk menyokong industri perfileman negara termasuk diriku Maslia and Ain telah berlangsung semalam!!!

aku and Ain bagi 4 bintang out of 5!!!citer nie memang best and tak rugi tgk!!berbaloi RM6 beli tiket nak tengok citer nie..horror giler!!!

5 minit yang pertama adalah part yang paling best kerana terlalu banyak jeritan dan aksi-aksi menutup muka dan memeluk kawan sebelah..pastikan, jika anda pergi berdua balik berdua bukan bertiga..lebih-lebih tak nak citer, nanti korang tengok tak suspen dah..aku nasihatkan sila pergi tengok citer nie..sila sokong keluaran negara kita ok kawan-kawan?hehehe

kepada Maslia and Ain, what a horror night kan??hahahahaha pecah gegendang telinga aku korang menjerit (eh,aku pon sama)!!heheheheh

nota kaki:Julia Ziegler adalah sangat seksi dalam citer nie..=p

no more Romeo and Juliet, its Edward and Bella now...

What a title..heheheh i know its kinda late and lame!!

i was so angry with myself not followed Dilla command in her blog to go and watched Twilight in cinema!!crap!!!and now i am soooooooooooooooooo addict to this Bella and Edward extremely ridicolous story..not to mentioned romance and horror at the same time..i am so fall in love with them and Emmet and Rosalie and Alice and Esme and Carlisle and also Charlie..=p

i spent a week to read to this understand and digest all the tiniest things that i missed while watching the movie..well, the movie is download from internet by a friend whos own this book, so the picture is quite blur and black and not clear like the pirate one..imagine urself....i cant wait to hunting the original cd..gaji, tolong masuk cepat!!!

this story is hard to resist..=) after finished this book, i craving for new moon instantly!!!and i finished this new moon book within 2 days!!!

and now..i can't wait for eclipse!!!nie kena beli sendiri so lambat sikit...=(

and for those who still not read the book but watched the movie, its time to step in a book store and buy al this book!!!it is more satisfied rather than watching the movie only!!you have my word!!!=D

p/s:this is the reason why i am so lazy to update my the way, i forgot to pay my broadband bill internet connection..hahaha thanks to Ain!!!I owe u darling...=)

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


pernah tak korang masuk toilet ALONE in the middle of the night nak melangsaikan apa yang ptt
but then suddenly bulu roma korang meremang especially kat tengkuk and then korang rasa 'sumtin' is starring at u from the top of ur head?

and ur brain goin' so wild and creative and create an image of a 'pretty-lady-with-long-black-hair-and-give-u-a-smile-that-can-take-ur-breath-away' ...

and u were so hurry to langsai all the things that must done in toilet??

yuuuupppp..i imagined that all time when i get into toilet and i hate that so much!!!!!

even the toilet is just right in front my room!!!

i thought this is the curse of staying in hostel..haih..(-_-")