Saturday, February 16, 2008

Habiskan ayat kursi itu…

Last week on Sunday night, I was sleeping alone at home. Ain stayed at chalet with her parents. It is okay for me to stay alone actually, nothing to worry about.

About half an hour after twelve at night, I felt so sleepy. So, I just switch off the lamp. I’m not a person who preferred to sleep with light on. It’s not good for your health and mind. Sleep is the time to rest your physical and mentally as well.

I am not sure when I fell asleep because my love is accompanying me through SMS. Then I was awake and want to move my hand and it can not be moved!! I am trying so hard until I get sweat! “Something” is holding my hand and my body! “Peristiwa ditindih” is happening again!!

I was trying to scream, my voice is not coming out. And I started to baca ayat Kursi. As a Muslim I am very sure that all of us know how to baca ayat Kursi right? First time baca the ayat Kursi, I am not finishing it. At first I was thought I will be released if I just baca the ayat without finishing it. But I am totally wrong!!!

Second time, I try to baca the ayat again! This time, I finished all the ayat. Alahamdulillah, a few second later, I felt very “free” and started to move all my body. I keep baca the ayat none stopping from that moment. Hey, if you sleeping alone, I think you would do the same as I do after you felt like ‘ditindih by something you cannot see’.

Suddenly, a story appears in my mind….the story when I was still a little girl. Age? Not remember.

Daddy: Kalau kita rasa terserempak dengan hantu atau syaitan di mana-mana, bacalah

ayat Kursi sebagai pelindung. Baca ayat Kursi tu sampai habis. Jangan separuh-separuh.

Me: Kenapa tak boleh baca separuh-separuh? Syaitan dan hantu kan takut ayat Quran? Baca sikit mesti la diorang lari kan?

Daddy: sebenarnya, syaitan tu bukan takut ayat Quran. Dahulu sebelum wujudnyer Nabi Adam, Syaitan kan antara pengikut Allah yang setia. Syaitan dulu kuat beribadat. Baca Quran, solat. Syaitan cuma tidak mahu tunduk pada manusia.

Me: owh..

Daddy: ada satu kisah yang telah diceritakan dalam kitab di mana syaitan telah berjumpa dengan seorang Muslim.(Who? I also not remember. I just give the point here). Bila syaitan mempekenalkan dirinya kepada Muslim itu sebagai syaitan, Muslim itu mula berasa takut lalu terus dia membaca ayat Kursi. Apa yang mengejutkan ialah syaitan turut membaca ayat Kursi sebagaimana yang Muslim itu baca. Muslim itu tergamam dan syaitan itu berkata. “ aku telah menghafal seluruh isi kandungan Quran” sambil ketawa. Muslim itu tidak mengendahkan apa yang dikatakan oleh syaitan. Dia mula membaca semula ayat Kursi denagn harapan syaitan akan meninggalkannya. Muslim itu tidak mengahabiskan ayat Kursi yang di baca kerana terganggu dengan ajukan syaitan. Tapi akhirnya dia nekad untuk menghabiskan ayat. Apabila sampai ayat yang terakhir, syaitan terdiam. Muslim itu terperanjat kerana syaitan tidak lagi mengajuknya tetapi terbakar! Melihat kejadian itu, Muslim ini terus membaca ayat yang terakhir berulang kali sehingga syaitan lenyap dari pandangannya.

From the story, can be conclude that the last sentence of ayat Kursi is actually have a

meaning that can destroy the devil. I am not sure what the meaning is. Please check the

tafsir for more details. =)

That night, it happened a few time! The moral of the story, don’t sleep alone at home!


Esteban Granero said...

ko kena yang kena tindih? seram siot...kalau aku yang kena, mesti dah hilang semua ayat yang aku hafal, heheh.

Esteban Granero said...

There is no god but He,
The Living, the Everlasting,
Slumber seizes Him not, neither sleep,
To Him belongs all that is in the heavens and the earth.
Who is there that can intercede with His, except by His leave?
He knows what lies before them and what is after them,
And they comprehend not anything of His Knowledge save as He wills.
His throne comprises the heavens and the earth,
The preserving of them fatigues Him not,
And He is the All-High, All-Glorious.

qyla said...

aku ler..dah lama tak kena..last kena form5..sgt la mnyeramkan sampi berpeluh2..huhuuuhuhu
tobat tak tido sorang dah..banyak kali dalam satu malam!!just imagine what i've been through that nite!!
thanks for the tafsir!