Tuesday, January 13, 2009

ceritanye episod 2

Setelah entry merajuk diterbitkan semalam..berkobar-kobar arini mau ke USM untuk menyetelkan aper yan tak setel and hny mahu menandatangani surat extend..so, i should be in SV office at 1030 but late 10 minute sbb my mum tb2 mau ikut..aper sgt 10 minit kalau dibandingkan 6 bulan pny waiting kan?it doesnt mean that im on purpose to be rude..it just happens..

neway, prof tak kata paper coz he has a few student discussing with him..and im ok with that..
back to the main story..regarding to my SV, my name is not in the list of accepting the grant..its weird becoz USM just receive juta2 from government sbb jadi universiti APEX..

so, he search for the file yang ader proposal and the grant and nak betulkan..nak try to resubmit and suddenly he just paused and thinking..

"If the grant is not correct or sumting is wrong, we should know which part to make the correction", he said and just pick up the fon and called the IPS..

"Hani, is it possible for me to get my student grant back?i want to know which part is causing the problem??", silence.....

"WHAT!!!!How can that happened???Tq hani, i'll call u back", and he keep continuing dial a few number and look at me..


Ms/mrs HAni just told him that none of the grant have been rejected from my skool..all accepted except a few yang kena wat pembetulan and resubmit..but my grant just lost thats why my name is not in the list..

My SV keep calling the skool office to ask about the grant..diorang ckp dah hntr tp IPS ckp tak terima pon grant tu..WTH??!!!

My Prof sgt bengang and called Ms/MRS hani and asked her to find that grant personally..and so to the office clerk..he was so angry (and i can see the fire burn from his eyes) with all this admin thing..diorang wat keje sambil lewa and student kena terima pdhnye..

He is now soooooo looking forward for the next meeting board to bring all this matter up..

tu baru my side of story..and if some of u know, my housemate Ain KAssim pon apply for her master kat USM..Dianyer CGPA is 3.5 above and guess what, skool tak hntr balik application tu ke IPS untuk penghntrn surat..they only submit it after my prof called IPS asked about the status and then pihak skool baru terhegeh2 hntr ke IPS..nmpknyer, setiap kali kena call untuk suruh diorang wat keje..nearly 3 months the application pending!!!


tak jadi extend sbb prof tak bg..huhuhuh tp, Alhamdulillah prof dpt small grant and that small grant will suport me for a while (tak dpt elaun pon) b4 they found the real grant..

"mcm nie universiti no 1??i am so sure student will just turn away from this uni if we brag this sort of things out", PROf...

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