i just bought myself a new purse..
coz i dont have one..=)
atas permintaan cik ainul kiter, i upload the photo..tak cantik pon but i loved it..bcoz its white!! i eyed this purse b4 ry tak ader nak purchased ritu, ader plak from the same brand, purse kaler purple reddish..i dont know how to describe the colour..leather and very pretty sm mcm hrg nyer nearly rm200..since i have no kerja tetap and every month income,so, takperlah, next time lah if ader duit kan..this purse murah jer and ader diskaun lg..and im so excited!!hahaha last time i bought new purse maybe masa form2 or form 3..lama giler..thats explained why im so excited!!! asyik tgk purse je =p
tunjuk la gmbr. nak tengok. hee
as u request it..i lmbt skit ek..heheh dh upload, i'll inform ya..tak cantik pon..=p
cantek laaa!!! ain pn da lame x bli purse. skrg ne pakai purse mickey mouse. en fikri bape kali dh tgor. da tua2 pn pakai mickey mouse. haha. tegur jer la. bkn nk blikn pon. =p
perrghh..kat 200?! mahai siot..tak mampu aku..huhu~..
ptt swuh ier beli..laki nie kdg2 kena mintakk baru nak kasik..hahahaha
kalau aku beli yg dekat RM200 tu, alamatnyer tunggu kawin lah baru tukar purse plak..jadik hantaran..hahah
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