Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Mak tok 'new' handphone!!

technically, it is my mak usu old handphone..when her bought the new one, she gave this handphone to my mak tok who is nearly 60 years old (i guess) mak tok want this handphone badly and she really happy to receive it even my mak usu already used it for 3 is still in a good condition..

the story begin...
my mak tok always asking my along helping her buy a sim card..and my along always forgot!!so, yesterday we (my umi, mak usu with arysa and me) went to Kulim because my mak usu has to rechecked her eyes condition and obviously, she want new glasses.. after done all the checking and buying and cashing, we move to the store next door to buy sim card for my mak tok..

arriving at home, i asked my mak tok her handphone and she start searching..!!!i wonder why she looks like hiding the phone..and then, i got the answer..

"kalau mak tok tak sorok, nanti tok wan hang amik!!"...hahahahahahaha

so childish!!my tok wan pon satu hal laah jugak kan..he is so jealous when my mak tok got that nokia daun phone and always try to have it instead of his nokia 3310!!!hehehehe

"alah, mak tok hang bukan reti guna"..again..hahahahaa

so, i insert the sim card..and start to make a call to activate it..and my mak usu suggested call my tok wan..i mean..miss call my tok wan hand phone..done!!before that, my tok wan already asked me to store my mak tok new number in his handphone..and i did..=)

"kak ngah nnt mai lah rumah mak tok duk satu hari ajar mak tok guna tepon nie..."...hehehehe and i said ok while my mak usu and umi start giggling and teasing my mak tok about that 'new' handphone....=p


my mak tok phone ring!!!!

the ringtone "assalamualaikum..assalamualaikum..angkat tepon..angkaat....angkatlah tepon........"


my mak tok put the phone on the table and start melatah!!hahahah she is so shocked!!nasib baik jugak lah dia tak campak handphone tu kan..lama jugak dia melatah until the ring is over..kitorang gelak samapi sakit perut and mak tok dah start nak penat (asma)...

i took the phone and tgk saaper yang miskol..aand guess who???

MY TOK WAN la!!!at first, we used mak tok number to miss called him and rasanya dia tak perasan and dia terus telephone balik!!and when all of us stared at him..dia wat dek jer...hahaha

"mak tok, mcm maner nie nak guna tepon canggih kalau dengr bunyi tepon jer dah melatah sampai penat???"

i think, i will help her to change the ringtone..pki polyphonic punya style...=p


Fareenz said...

ala..sian mak tok tu...
fara suka kacau org sian la sebab nanti die penat..:P

qyla said...

tu lah kan mak usu ngan my mum nakal giler..depa ckp nak wat miskol tiap2 mlm biar penat..hahahah