Tuesday, December 16, 2008


semalam..aku bising2 kat she tny awat dier delete entry dier sbb aku berkobar-kobar tgh bosan nak mati nk bc entry dier sbb link kat page dah tunjuk diupdate..bila ku buka..tiada!!!pns kejap okes..hahahahaha kidding she..

refer pd entry terbaru hang nie, buat aku hot sekejap..ermm..lama sebenarnyer..campur hot semalam..bc previous entry ku yg bodoh itu..yer, hampir sm kejadiannya dgn aper yang hang tulis..bezanye, benda tu jadi kat UMT nie jadi kat universiti APEK APEX..am so pissed off!!

yer..aku miss interview aku jadi fellow..result turn out to be they need 11 fellows in my faculty!!see..bnyk kan..aku missed interview coz i tot all the interview session and candidates will be update in the web..or else maybe noticed pin up around the faculty..but there's nothin!!!yang aku tau kuar kat tenet yang diorang akan pnjgkan lg tarikh penghantaran application form smpi bulan 11..so, again..i tot aper2 after bulan 11 lah kan..then, i got an email sayin that i have to attend some sort of bengkel lah kan..and i did go..kat bengkel tu baru lah tau the whole story..

i met this gurl, named Husna..same faculty as mine..so, i asked her about all this things..and im shocked to death bila dier ckp interview bulan 10 masa tgh bulan..and masa tu terkejut sgt!!!and i asked her back..how can this happened??they said the dateline is on bulan 11????!!!
Husna replied..dunno..dier pon tau a day before the interview..at least she knew!!i asked her back..mcm maner tau interview??Husna ckp diorg letak kat opis jer surat tu..kat dlm box untuk student...

i stared at her and said..HELL-O!!!am not originally from USM..so how supposed i know about all this stuff???yang bertambah kebenganagn ku ini bila dpt tau my SV pon tak diinformkan!!!on the interview day, only 22 student make it and most of them pki tak formal..sandal, jeans, roundneck etc sbb diorg baru dpt tau hari interview adalah hari tu and rushed to the interview session!!!yang pki gtu semuanya tak dpt..

i called the office to complain and they said..

"u all student master kena lah tau2 sendiri..kitorang bnyk keje lain nak buat..tak leh salahkan kami kalau u all missed interview!!"

mcm haram

at least saying sumtin nice for this frustrated and stupid student ha !@$$%%

maner lah nak tau kan..student USM sendiri pon tak tau (yang dtg pki jeans sumer tu)

then..tny Husna kat maner diorg letak surat tu??Husna pon dengan baik hatinyer tujuk..yeah..she really a nice gurl..nak tau kat mane??

at some corner of the dark place in the office..and when i searched for my letter, i saw more than 5 letter yang untuk student for fellowship tu..see??nmpk kan ketakpraktikalnyer letak peti surat kat situ..tu baru kat huruf S..my name..kat huruf2 lai tak tau lah..

mmg menyakitkan hati!!!

yesterday i called the IPS..



errrrr...aku plak kena tny..

"hello, IPS ke nie??"


bodoh tak??naper aku plak yang kena tny IPS ker tak..pastu bila ditanya jawab nak tak nak..

mmg aku nangis semalam..bazir airmata jer!!

i worked to get this interview more than 3 months and i missed it just like that...so frens, stop asking bila aku nak kawin sbb lambat lagi lah jwbnye....grrrrrrr

bertambh bengang sbb my SV pn pon tak tau...mmg lah he was the former dean..ap salahnyer informkan??kwn2..tlglah doakan...huhuhuhuhuh huwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ="(


sHe said...

dia ingat tempat dia letak surat tu depan pagaq umah hg kot..

mmg mcm haram.

qyla said...

tu r..kalau hntr email pon tak per kan..tgk lah bengong tak bengong..

skang SV aku plak naik turun ofis nak setel hal nie...huhuhuh benci betoi!!

Fareenz said...


esok kalau fara nak sambung master mmg kena bawak bantal selmut segala tido depan ofis universiti tu la..

sakit hati!

qyla said...


tau takper..kalau diorg jwb dgn budi bahasa tak lah bengang sgt tau..

pasni, kena tunggu bulan 3 or 4 pulak untuk next application..very frustrating!!!

tq dear for understanding..huhuhu

''''dELinDa said...

teruknye!! kalo ain jadi qyla pon pissed off giler.

qyla said...

mmg pon!!!sgt2 tau..memang bengang sgt..huhuhuhuhu tak tau lah aper guna diorang mintak maklumat email semua tu..

Hint PerihaL said...

ni la org ckp..bodoh xleh nak ajar..kita student nak cmplain kat sapa klu dorg kejer cam panT**...aku menyiram toi la klu dengar bemda2 suwey camni..masa depan ni beb..

klu dorg wat borg complain pkhidmatan skali pun..cam xde makna gak..sbb bukanya org lain yg nilai..dorg gak yg amek dan buang dalm tong sampah..

kerja berlambak opis...masuk kerja pukul 8..ngok ngek ngok ngek..dah pukul 9 baru la terhegeh2 nak wat kerj..ngok ngek ngok ngek..dah pukul 10..tea time!!!rehat otak..penat weh dorg ni kena pk sampai sejam..ngok ngek ngok ngek dah pukul 11.30..tapi bila nak start keje?ngok ngek ngok ngek..pukul 12thghari..wat keje..ngok ngok ngek pukul 12.45..lunch hour..kena kuar awal sbb nnt takut lauk habis...ngok ngek ngok ngek..dah pukul 2.30pm..ngok ngek ngok ngek..3.15pm baru nak start..ngok ngek ngok ngek..3.45pm baru nak smyg zohor..ngok ngek ngok ngek..pkl4pm..ngok ngek ngok ngek..4.30pm da redi pack brg..standby nak balik...

sori la qylah..aku ter'publish' entri aku kat sini...

qyla said...

takper..betol pon aper ko ckp..lagi satu, aku tak phm np kat application tu suruh letak email segala..tp tak digunakan..then, baik tak pyh letak kan..

masa depan..betul2..masa depan..diorg tu dah cerah sgt masa depannyer..tu yang jadi mcm nie..diorang tak pk kalau kena kat anak2 diorang ker..

mmg tension tau..=(

ShE-iS-Me said...

Mmg bengang beb aku pown kene lebeh kureng mcm hng gak xtaw arr cane diorang ni wat keje sampai gaji aku pown xmasuk..bile tanye nanti ye saye semak balik saye kol awk balik perhhh macam cilanat je..sampai sekarang xkol2..mane taknye sibuk ngan rehat la,gosipp arr perhh berdarah je hati..