Thursday, August 21, 2008

Boboy a.k.a Muhammad Hafiey Airel

as i promise, the pic masa Boboy cukur rambut....

aryssa being the mos busiest person in the world..she changed from this clothes to

this and...

asked me to play with her.....and i did....

play???make her hungry..yum2..satu pinggan penuh yer...harap maklum..

accompanying her eating....boleh tgk jer...

her mum "begging" her to taste...tak dpt..jgn harap...

and the cukur jambul boy....sleeeeeeeeeeeeping all the day longgggggggggggg.....

and sleeping.................

and still sleeping till d end..................

~the end~


''''dELinDa said...

Comelnye anak sedara Qyla!! Aryssa tu kakak die ke?

qyla said...

yup..aryssa tu kakak dia...bukan anak sedara lah ain, sepupu jer..hehehe