I step in USM library for the first time and felt so damn blur and getting lost.....yes..I'm lost in library..so pathetic..hahahaha
This is my first experience ever getting into building named 'library' and dunno what to do or where to go..i just like haa??????..lucky me, ain guiding and dragging me and give some briefing about where the book and bla bla bla(yer, Ain rajin g lib..saya malas..heheheh)..and i nodded and nodded and nodded coz at the same time im starring and reading at the big sign board explaining about this 3 story building..
Honestly, its not really big but it is damn confusing or other translation, i should go to the library often and take the class how to access all the sources and information provide by the library..yer, ader kelas yer kawan-kawan macam maner nak cari maklumat dan buku (this is the prove how complicated the library is..T_T)..2+1 hours...im still weighing my decission to take it or not..for free...indeed, i think i really should take the class..ahahahahaha
so embarrassing u know...T_T
dlu lib UMT pn ada bg kelas jugak..tp aku rasa, klu xbg pon aku bleh jer teroka sndri..
USM?..xbesar tp complicated..hurm..menrik..
bguih la de klas ptutnye UMT pun wat cam tu gak hehe tp UMT x besau pun alih2 jmpe mke ko ngn pie gak =p
aah lah..buku2 kat UMT ikut category kan..tapi kat sini ikut language..so, bnd yg sama tp merata-rata lah..majalah journal sume tempat lain plak..one more thing, data base USM bnyk sgt..so, kena explore..so, need the class very much..hehehe
memang..asyik2 jumpa ko jer..hahahah tp kan, lib tak bermakna tanpa pE..ahahahah
owh de klas pesal ak xpnah taw pown haha nmpk sgttt =p
wah taw sgt ko bersemangat ble pE ade haha weyh qyla ak dgr2 kowg dh nk kwen ye *)
sy pn xsuke ke library. sbb sgt sejuk n mata asek meliar jer. xleh konsenteret. hehehe
ko dgr dari saper??aku tak dgr or ckp paper pon..tak taulah kot-kot dier nak surprised aku ker akn..hahahah dreaming jer..=p
saya suka library bila en.pE ader..dier tak ader agak tak kosentrate..hahahah
Q mesti rindu pE ni kn kn?
keje rajin2 tau. cpat2 kumpul duit.
mestilah rindu..tak leh tulis dlm blog..kang ade yg muntah bc..ahahah
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