Monday, February 9, 2009

Shoping tips and my red dress =)

it is new for me but i dont know bout u guys..hehehehe

i learned new thing today..pasal shopping..actually semalam but i got what i want today..not really today but another 2-3 days..hehehehe

lets the story begin..
i went to shopping mall almost every week but one day, a red dress just caught my eyes..mcm magnet terus pegi tgk hrg and nk try the tops and i snap a pic of myself wearing that dress when i realise i can't afford to buy that dress on that moment..but i swear to myself, no matter how, nak beli jugak that red dress!!mmg tak bleh tdo..hehehehe physco gile!!

so, from that day onward, kalau pegi shopping mall mesti pegi tgk kat outlet tu ader lg ker tak red dress tu but being broke for such a long time (dlm 3 mingu) mmg dpt tgk jer..huhuhuh mcm dlm iklan plak kan..yang kumpul duit raya nak beli baju tu..i am totally like that!!!hahahaha try to save as much as i can so that i can have my dream dress..

another one day, mmg dah cukup money in my wallet, i go directly to that outlet to find that dress but its gone!!!sangaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat frussssssssssssssssssssssstttttttttt!!!!

the dress still terbyg2 in m mind so yesterday, i go to the different outlet with one hope!!they will have the red dress....bersemangat nie, tp in different outlet they have their own stock..maksudnya setiap outlet ader special edition tersendiri..and saya frust lagi!!!but, the sales girl told me an important reminder..she said, "if u really want that red dress, u should take the code for the dress and keep it..and the u can request at any outlet so that they will order and keep it for u.."and being me..."ha??really??i don't know that!!so stupid..if i know i will do that!!i really want that dresS!!!"..

and such a kind hearted sales gurl, dier try tepon another outlet and tny about that dress..lucky i snapped the pic so even tak tau the code, i still have a chance to show what type of dress that i want...but, it is out of stock!!!

today, mmg dah surrender taknak tny lagii psl red dress tu but again being itchy me, i wandered to the first outlet where i see the red dress of my dream and tgk the same pattern is still there tp cuma kalaer itam jer..and this time mmg nekad, i asked the sales girl untuk cari the red dress tu kat outlet seluruh malaysia dengan muka yang mmg merayu habis!!!
akak tu mmg sgt baik hati bila dier terus jer check the stock and yg ader cuma kat s.alam!!i said, akak tlg nak sgt dress tu..bleh tnykan tak??terus die epon outlet s.alam..mmg superb lah!!!!

ADER STOCK!!!!YEAY!!!Only Allah know how relieve i am...i said i want that dress and i want to pay for it mase tu jugak..and double lucky, i got 30% offer..and it is under bajet and mmg sgt2 berbaloi..mgkn ader hikmah nyer tak dpt beli awai2 kot..heheheh owh, semua orang pon dpt dikaun gak beli kat outlet tu sbb last day offer 30% rini..hikhik

kn tunggu 3-5 hari..klu smpi, they'll call me!!tak sbr betoi..nnt dress dah smpi, i'll upload the pic eh....i am so happy!!!=D

so, klu korang mmg berkenan dengan aper2 item kat kdi yang bnyk outletnyer, asked the salesperson to help u untuk dptkan jugak bnd tu tau..and kalau tak ader duit, leh mntk dier simpankan..sll can keep smpi seminggu...=)


Hint PerihaL said...

yeker bleh simpan sminggu...?...nt2 esok dah ada org beli... =[ tp pasal code tu..menarik..nnt klu aku kaya..nk try ugak ah..

ShE-iS-Me said...

Fuiyoo..segamat ko qyla nak kan dress tu.Mesti tak bergelip mata pie nanti hehe..
Upload cepat2 ek gbr tu =p

qyla said...

tak pyh tunggu kaya..kalau nak leh jer tny and mintak orang tu kena byr dulu tau..kalau byr, takkan der nak bg kat org lain kot?boleh kena saman tau..=p

yer lah tu..bila lah pE nak tgknyer??huhuhuhu nnt aku upload, tp tak dpt g nie..huhuhuhu

''''dELinDa said...

Q, mane gmbr? nk tengookkk!

Hint PerihaL said...

woit, hepi burfday!!!!!
