The rules:
Link to your tagger and post these rules.
List 8 random facts about yourself and tag 8 people.
Shida, aku dah wat lama dah tagged nie tau..ko pny psl, aku wat lah lagi fakta psl diriku ini..chewah..=p
- aku student marine sains..but one fact that i just discover, aku takut laut..dunno y..kalau tgk kat dlm tv pon meremang bulu roma aku ok..perasaan tu akan timbul when i cant see the ocean floor..rasa panik..takut jatuh..lemas..ader jerung ker..ader ikan paus tb2 ngap aku mind will generate all the craziest things ever!!tp sll nyer aku cool jek..kalau dari pantai p ke tgh takper..swimming..bukan naik bot..ntah paper jer kan.. mcm nie..tak horror??sumber pic: wopico.blogspot
- tak leh sejuk sgt..kalau sejuk skit (especially sejuk a/c and waktu mlm) mulalah cari stokin or berselimut..the most sensitif part kat kaki..tghr pon kalau tdo buka fan kuat and sejuk, mesti berselimut..tak caya tny yani..hehehe
- tak sbr nak abis kan master..aku nak sambung pHd plak..berkobar lah konon..hahaha
- i'm retired netballer =(
- i love bowling dah lm tak main..agak hebat jugaklah..hahaha at least pernah beat my pE lah kan =p
- suka tgk AXN and 8 tv..not good ok..
- i enjoy myself driving
- tak pernah p oversea lg..passport pon takder..looking forward julai 2009!!!!insyaallah..=)
ok shida??hutang langsai!!!hehehehe
1 comment:
hoho ok2 tahniah melunaskan tanggungjawab...
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