Sunday, August 3, 2008

sleeping alone

i dont know when this habit started..i really2 dont remember when..but, i like to sleep with my mother..especially when my dad is not around..=p

i have to stop this unhealthy habit!!so, it is already two nite i slept alone in my own room..hahahaha
so cold..mcm ada tak ada pon=p and it makes me felt less guilty..y?? because i always wake up late..

if i sleep with my mum, this guilty felling is very tremendous.. =p


sHe said...

ok lagi hg tdoq dgn mak hg time ayah hg takdak..

last time, lepas umah aku masuk pencuri masa form 5 kot, tros aku tdoq dalam bilik parents aku sampailah aku pindah umah..

agaknya, kalau aku tak pindah, sampai kawen pon aku tdoq dlm bilik depa lagi..hehe..

qyla said...

ermm..tapi kan she..time ayaah aku ada pon aku tdoq jugak selalunya..ayah aku kena tdoq bilik len..sbb dia berdengkur..hehehe mak kau kata bising..hahahaha