Monday, October 12, 2009

~~~~Da' Events~~~

1. Let's Get Together
Date: 3rd of October 2009
2 weeks ago..hehe sorry for a long silent after hari raya..We (my team and I) have been super duper busy with all the preparation for Let's Get Together (sort of Open House). This is big event for us (BUDDIES) so we really do our best...just enjoy the credit to mervine and Joe Yin..
Fatin as Bank Negara CEO
our door mark..
part of the crew members
I am doing my job with Nik helping me at registration counter
5 beautifuls ladies dress up in Sari and baju Kurung..seriously gorgeos!!
the dancers!!!they so great!!
and my mum and mak usu also come met her old friend..
Rebecka and I...
This is only 1/20 pictures that we had..the rest is on my facebook...heee 
2. Malaysian Handshake
9th October 2009
I am the person in-charge for International office performance and participant. This event is all about students from other coutry understand our culture. We had a fashion show and dancing. And all exchange had so much fun becoz all of sudden they are superstar of the night!!thanks Sharon!!!
with Katie and Shannon..
with Taylor and Shannon..see, they all dress up in Malaysian costumes..
Ian and Pinja in Sarawak costume..heheheh
I think thats enough pictures..too many to upload...=) thanks to all who made these both events success...Gala Night is next....haiyaaa...