Saturday, January 31, 2009

Bags for sale

This is my first try nak wat jualan kat blog..just helping my brother and his friends..

all these bag is obviously not authentic and came from Korea..but the made is neeeeaaarrly authentic.. tak caya leh leh tgk gmbar kat bwh and leh email saya sekiranya berminat untuk membelinyer okes.. (",)

pic first then price

bag number 19
RM 160 CD

bag number 20
RM 210 DNG

bag number 18
price will be put later

beg number 17
RM140 Gucci

beg number 16
RM220 Jimmy Choo

beg number 15
RM170 Tods
(oh i heart this one!!)

beg number 14
RM140 Prada

beg number 11
RM220 Fendi

beg number 10
RM220 Fendi

beg number 9
Rm180 Prada

beg number 8
Rm170 Prada

beg number 7
Rm170 Prada

beg number 6
RM180 Coach

bag number 5
RM150 Coach

bag number 4
RM220 LV

bag number 2
RM160 LV

bag number 1
RM200 LV

if u interested, do email me at buyer only and pls leave me your contact number in that anything problem occur i can contact u directly..method of payment will be sent to u via email.. i only do shipping on monday..pls pay before that..and pls add another RM10 for shipping..u will not regret it..i do purchase one for myself and really satisfied..=)

p/s: if some of the brand is mistaken, i am truly i new.. =p

Friday, January 30, 2009

saya dpt award (gila poyo) hahahahaha

The rules:
i> copy badge "2008 Cute's 3logger Award" dan letakkan kat blog anda.

ii> link @ ceritakan kembali siapa yang memberikan award ini kepada anda.
dapat dari cik shida

iii> setiap blogger mesti menyatakan 10 fakta/hobi diri sendiri sebelum memilih penerima award seterusnya (anda di-tag).

10 fakta/hobi

1. besday saya dah dekat sila sedia hadiah hahahahaha

2. sudah mula tabiat membaca SEMULA pernah terlupa minta membaca bila dah ader internet sangat lupa daratan

3. saya mudah menangis tgk kartun pon nangis sangatlah pathethic

4. suka memuji diri sendiri di depan cermin SAHAJA tidak dihadapan orang lain saya adalah orang yang suam-suam kuku perasannyer

5. saya ader seorang abang kandung dan seorang abang sayang hahahaha dan apabila saya sebut abang membawa maksud abang kandung dan apabila saya menyebut kanda adalah untuk abang sayang sangat kuno terima kasih tapi saya rasa itu comel hahahahaha

6. saya kurang gemar aktiviti yang menggunakan number dengan erti kata lain saya lemah matematik T_T tapi saya tidak mempunyai massalah sekiranya ia berkaitan RM hehehehe

7.sekarang saya suka warna merah masa akan datang saya tak pasti dengan erti kata lain saya agak fleksibel apabila berkaitan dengan warna

8. saya suka main bola jaring tp biasanya akan gugup pada perlawanan pertama dan masa latihan adalah waktu saya bermain dengan cemerlang sekali kerana saya tau tak ada hadiah yang nak direbutkan dan ia hanya semata-mata bermesra bersama rakan-rakan..loser!!

9. saya ader 2 orang adik perempuan dan selalu dianggap kembar tiga dan seperti biasa saya adalah yang plg muda hahahahahaha

10. saya adalah saya terima kasih

iv> anda perlu memilih 5 penerima award seterusnya..

orang pertama: she
orang kedua : delinda
orang ketiga : farah haireen
orang keempat: farah adilla
orang kelima : kak zai

sila lah..=)

jalan-jalan pusing kampus

terima ksih kepada Dila kerana telah mengajak saya meneman kan beliau untuk amik borang (rahsia) di canselori..jom, ikuti perjalanan ini..

  • janji semalam pukul 9.30 cincai tapi kerana kedua-dua kami adalah melayu aku celup sikit jadi berjumpa hampir pukul 11
  • mcm biasa Dila akan sesat dan aku akan menjadi google map dia..sepatutnya jumpa di canselori tp jejak kasih di roundabout (betul ker tak eja hahahaha)
  • Dila, pesanan untuk dirimu jgn pki baju merah bila naik moto hijau kerana agak berbaur politik hahahaha aku pernah kena tegur bengong tol
  • check point pertama adalah canselori tingkat 6 agak horror sebab pas kuar dari lif tingkat 6 itu terus ke kiri dan terus ader pintu pejabat timbalan dekan..apakah??? jauh betui mereka tempatkan kaunter pertnyaan..setelah 5 saat terhendap-hendap mcm pencuri kami berjaya bertemu dengan puan-yang duduk-di-kaunter-pertanyaan-yang-nampak garang-berkulit hitam manis-tapi-sebenarnya-sangat -baik hati..mintak borang tapi lupa tanya gaji..adeh!!
  • cehekpoint seterusnya adalah pejabat pendaftar di mana adalah sgt konfius dengan cermin dan refleksinya..hampir terlanggar cermin apabila tersedar akak-kerani-comel-berbaju sukan menyengih ke arah kami-yang-hilang-arah-tujuan-sbb-tertipu-dengan-cermin-dan-refleksinya itu..seriyesli malu sangat..kalau nak p ke arah cermin tu kami mmg nampak loser gila..T_T
  • berjumpa dengan Puan-yang-sentiasa-senyum-dan-menerima-baik-kedatangan-kami-secara-mengejut..terima kasih puan kerana telah berjaya mem-boost up level konfidenn saya..sayaaaaaaaang puan..
  • check point seterusnya adalah pusat-pengajian-yang-mmg-tidak-mesra-alam-oh-sungguh-benci and seperti pusat pengajian juga saya dilayan seperti loser..BANGANG!!
  • check point seterusnya adalah pusat keselamatan kalau tak silap and gagal mendapatkan sticker kena tunggu bulan 7..apakah!!!!
okes..cukup untuk hari ini..Dila, sila datang melawat aku di asrama nanti dengan moto lagenda ijau ader sticker L plat aku tak ingat..aku nak byr utang RM7!!heheheheheh

Tahukah anda?
apabila anda ingin bertanyakan sesuatu dan sgt bersungguh-sungguh mengetahuinya dan anda redah segala-galanya even silap jalan dan sentiasa bertanya orang anda akan membantu diri anda menjadi glamer secara tidak sengaja dan berpeluang untuk mengnali lebih ramai kalau saper suruh tolong hntar barang atau berjumpa sesiapa sila pergi ajer sbb anda akan mendapat pengalaman yang sgt berharga..experienced is the best teacher!!tq indar..=)

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Jom main teka-teki nak..macam menarik..jwpn kepada teka-teki ini akan dijadikan modal untuk next entry..hehehehe kalau kawan-kawan ku bijak bistari


saper dapat jawab, aku bagi 20 sen..okes??? hehehehehe

Monday, January 26, 2009

REUNION part I hari jumaat lepas pergi reunion..this is my first reunion with my ex-skolmate..terlalu bnyk halangan dan dugaan yang menimpa..its a LOAD!!!

let me list

1. Its almost 2 month we decided the date, hajar yang supposed to join us dah beli tiket balik kampung siap2 on the date!!!she forgot!!

2. Ja who supposed to join us too ade masalah dgn flight (honestly i dunno what happened to her)..i don't get too much detailed but obviously she missed this reunion.

3. and then Ika plak tb2 ader kelas on the date!!

4. last but not least my dad tak bg pegi and i cried dua hari dua mlm betul tak tpu smpi mata bengkak-bengkak sungguh pathetic

nie sumer yang jadi b4 the reunion..

then, on the day of reunion on 23january..

1. my dad bagi pegi atas pujuk rayu my mum and thats mean YEAY!! tak sia2 nangis smpi mata bengkak hahahahaha

2. CTK arrived a bit late from sg.petani..i start to panic tkt she can't make it but Alhamdullillah she arrived just on time.

3. farid and maslia stuck in traffic jammed for 2 hours b4 pick me and ctk from my house.mmg sian sgt kat diorang especially en.farid yang menjadi pemandu.

4. dekat exit 153 near parit buntar (klu tak silap) kitorang tgk LIVE pny excident!!! moto dengan 7.15 pm..nasib baik Farid alert and sempat elak sebelum kitorang 'join sekali' eksident tu..and en.farid with his biggest heart stop untuk tolong org yang eksiden tu (sbb dier pernah eksiden and tahu bgimana rsnyer) and left 3 of us (maslia, ctk and I) in d car..bukan kitorang tak nka turun tlg, but honestly, mcm bahaya jugak pompuan yang turun tlg and lagi satu ari dah nak gelap..for our own safety, Farid suruh kitorang park jauh skit dari tempat kejadian and make us (d gurls) decide nak tepon polis and asked for help which is the biggest mistake!!

the eksiden details:
  • dua bijik moto
  • satu moto tu naik sorang and satu lagi husband and wife
  • and diorang tak der lesen thats why i said, calling the police is the biggest mistake!!
  • maser eksiden tu, the wifey menjerit!!dier cedera agak teruk (tak tau mcm maner nak describe) but the hubby is worrying about the motor instead!!boley byg tak..and farid felt like to punch his face!!
  • ader a bunch of people from the area nearby but they have so much entertainment by just looking at the mangsa eksident..diorang just tgk without any iniciative to help or called the police or whatnot..sedgkan ader pgr yang boleh diorang gunakan untuk tlg mgsa eksiden..manusia zaman sekarang..
  • and we the only car yang stop untuk tlg the rest is mat2 motor..ader lah 2 3 orang..
  • we left b4 police arrived sbb tak nak kena bagi keterangan
honeslty, by stoopping and called the mcm wat keje mulia..even it turned disaster to the victim..huhuhuhu maner nak tau kan..niat nak tlg, the moral is, bwk kenderaan biar berlesen.

5. kitorang benti kat rnr to perform solat and berdoa supaya perjalanan kami selamat..agak horror tgk eksident tu and tukar driver..yer..saya yang drive and Farid take turn to rest!! part I..pict will upload later..=)

Sunday, January 25, 2009


semalam reunion

seronok sgt


semua orang ckp aku kurus

kurus ker??


bukan kurus kwn-kwn

aku maintain


standard 6 smpi skrg berat aku 45-47kg

memang tak bleh nak berat dah

paling berat pun 50kg jer

masa sem 2..

saat bahagia..


nak tunggu gemuk MAYBE pas kawin ker, pas dapat anak ker..hehehehe

aku bukan kurus tapi maintain..kan??

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

New Year Resolution

Masih tak terlambat..

my new year resolution is to clean up my bathroom everyday..brushing and polishing..

boley kan??

ok lah dari tak der langsung..

untuk hari ini shj, sudah 4 kali..

i am obsessed or what???!!!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

ceritanye episod 2

Setelah entry merajuk diterbitkan semalam..berkobar-kobar arini mau ke USM untuk menyetelkan aper yan tak setel and hny mahu menandatangani surat, i should be in SV office at 1030 but late 10 minute sbb my mum tb2 mau ikut..aper sgt 10 minit kalau dibandingkan 6 bulan pny waiting kan?it doesnt mean that im on purpose to be just happens..

neway, prof tak kata paper coz he has a few student discussing with him..and im ok with that..
back to the main story..regarding to my SV, my name is not in the list of accepting the grant..its weird becoz USM just receive juta2 from government sbb jadi universiti APEX..

so, he search for the file yang ader proposal and the grant and nak betulkan..nak try to resubmit and suddenly he just paused and thinking..

"If the grant is not correct or sumting is wrong, we should know which part to make the correction", he said and just pick up the fon and called the IPS..

"Hani, is it possible for me to get my student grant back?i want to know which part is causing the problem??", silence.....

"WHAT!!!!How can that happened???Tq hani, i'll call u back", and he keep continuing dial a few number and look at me..


Ms/mrs HAni just told him that none of the grant have been rejected from my skool..all accepted except a few yang kena wat pembetulan and resubmit..but my grant just lost thats why my name is not in the list..

My SV keep calling the skool office to ask about the grant..diorang ckp dah hntr tp IPS ckp tak terima pon grant tu..WTH??!!!

My Prof sgt bengang and called Ms/MRS hani and asked her to find that grant personally..and so to the office clerk..he was so angry (and i can see the fire burn from his eyes) with all this admin thing..diorang wat keje sambil lewa and student kena terima pdhnye..

He is now soooooo looking forward for the next meeting board to bring all this matter up..

tu baru my side of story..and if some of u know, my housemate Ain KAssim pon apply for her master kat USM..Dianyer CGPA is 3.5 above and guess what, skool tak hntr balik application tu ke IPS untuk penghntrn surat..they only submit it after my prof called IPS asked about the status and then pihak skool baru terhegeh2 hntr ke IPS..nmpknyer, setiap kali kena call untuk suruh diorang wat keje..nearly 3 months the application pending!!!


tak jadi extend sbb prof tak bg..huhuhuh tp, Alhamdulillah prof dpt small grant and that small grant will suport me for a while (tak dpt elaun pon) b4 they found the real grant..

"mcm nie universiti no 1??i am so sure student will just turn away from this uni if we brag this sort of things out", PROf...

Monday, January 12, 2009


I am thinking to extend my master study..

there are thousand and one problem right in front of me..

and i'm struggling now to make things right and loose all the tangles..

it is not easy as i thought it was..

part time job, anyone can help??

i'm in mood swing now..=(



setelah sejam post ini dipublished, i got phone call

"do u available to teach standard 1 and standard 2 student on Thursday nite?"


and again, it is so right when bad things happen, the good consequences is waiting ahead..

don't take things for granted now AQILAH..


so now, im doing two jobs..and only two days in a week..i got 5 days of holidays!!


sila nyanyi lagu hadapi dengan senyuman..time kasih...=p

Sunday, January 11, 2009



I'm feeling so happy when other people relationship worked out?

I don't know them much less than what I read in their blogs..

And obviously, they don't even know I am existed..

but still..

I am so happy for them..

So, its true..when u're happy and you spread the happiness, everyone will be happy too..

And it is true too, when u feel the sorrow, everyone felt that too..

Words, can describe thousand feeling that attached one heart to the other without knowing who is the other...

And by words, I found all of you..yes dear..YOU..=)

Saturday, January 10, 2009

NOTa Biologi..tumbuh-tumbuhan

Dengan ini sy dengan bangganyer sebagai seorg tutor biologi yang kurang bertauliah telah berjaya menyiapkan nota untuk anak-anak murid saya..YESSS!!!

its not easy to be a tutor or teacher or apa shj yg seangaktan dengan nye..menyampaikan ilmu bukan kerja senang..huhuhu

okeh.back to the story, i hate when it came to plant topics..but i loved mangrove..weird ha..last week im not so prepared to teach about this plant topic and end up im kept babble about general knowledge and of course its all about plant..the knowledge that i absorb from National Geographic chanel nasib ader jugak..and yes, my student just go with the flow with their eyes half open!!Class at noon, so its normal..

so, for tommorow class, i want to redeem my tremendous stupid guilty last week so i made a note for them!!note with picture not the note with it??pic story a thousand will be easy to teach with figure than word extra, i dont have to draw all the figure needed to make my student understand in white board because i dont have that "art" thingy..thanx a lot for google and yahoo search engine that allowed me to copy paste all the info..=p

to my anak murid, kalau online sila online benda2 yang berpekdah.bc nota kat tenet..saper tak dapat jawab kalau sy tny esok, sila berdiri atas kerusi..=)

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


As we know, the zalim Israel is now declared war on Gaza. Tq to my friend IKA for her info. i like to share with all readers..picture below is all the items and product from Israel..come on readers, lets boikot all these products!! this is the way of our Jihad!!

Yong Tau Fu


i am so craving for yong tau fu these past 2 3 days...Dila, kat maner sedap ek yong tau fu kat penang?? yong tau fu yang paling sedap yang pernah dimakan masa duk lumut dulu..kedai tu kat dekat manjung belakang supermarket aper ntah..tak ingat..mmg sedap and marvelous!!tiap2 minggu p mkn kat situ ok..lama dah..yong tau fu yang mkn ngan sup dengan sambal belacan..bukan dengan sos kicap tu..sos kicap tu tak sedap..sampai sekarang tak leh nak trima..susah betoi nak cari yong tau fu sup tu..kalau ader pon samblnyer adalah sambal yang tipu dan tak original..huhuhu anyone know maner nak cari???plssssssssssssssssssssssssss...

cari gmbr yang seswai kat tenet tapi tak jumpa=(

Sunday, January 4, 2009

keep movin' your mouse

it sound silly heh.. this is an interesting fact for me.. i repeat, for me.. i just found out sumtin.. when im on9-ing and im waiting for a page to buffer, it seem that when i keep movin my mouse left and right,up and down in some speed, the page will appear more faster ... if i just let the page buffer itself..the page will appear more slower.. adakah laptop ku berpenyakit?? i dont is an exercise for me though.. and it works everytime i did it..well, almost everytime..=p

cerita-ceriti hujung tahun 2008

1. dimulakan dengan my youngest sis balik dari Indonesia for holiday..only a week..and my dad bought her all this chocolates which then she hesitate to bring all back to Indonesia sebab dah excess luggage..hahahaha tp bwk jugak semuanya...coklat maniac..

2. then, kitorang p mancing in the middle of the night near penang port..tak dpt ikan sbb air surut..hahaha i dunno whos idea is just have fun lah..mmg rmi sgt orang kat area tu..berdating bersama family kebnyakannya..tepat jam satu pg,kitorang kena ambush ngn polis sbb kwsn larangan tempat parking keta..nasib tak kena saman..nak bergembira bersama fmily pon pyh..haih

3. my dad's friend from England dtg, kitorang kuar for dinner with them..they had a cute lil baby named Sara..her eyes was sooooo beatiful!!!blue campur grey ok..and the couple loved malaysian food soo much!!mknn malaysia mmg sedap......yummmeh

4.last but not mak usu's dinner..dinner klinik kesihatan..masa nak p dinner tu i was imagined a lot of delicious foods mcm lamb chop ker or sumtin unusual..yang bley mkn kt tmpt2 tertentu jer..saat nak mkn adalah saat yang dinnantikan..pergi kat buffet area my jaw drop down...emmm all food is within categories HEALTHY FOOD!!sayur2 rebus2 gtu..owh..i forgot..KLINIK KESIHATAN PNY DINNER..of coz sayurnyer tak mkn..amik satu round jer then done!!teringat plak dinner second year dolu..Chikane..u r the best dlm handle bab food nie!!!mkn smpi beround2...

with my mak usu and both sister

the healthier food i ever eat..

and on 28 sis balik Indonesia blk..this time tak ader ngs sbb kitorang tak ikut antar dier..just my mum and my dad..flight dier adalah jam 7 tak, must be at airport an hour earlier..syok tido lagi..heheheh =p

Thursday, January 1, 2009

English as a second language reading this book..tak abes dah jnj ngan ain nak publish buku tu kat sini..the story quite slow but interesting..its all about a 26 years old gurl that continuing her study becoz of her, it combined about friendship and love, family and friends, what u want and what are other people want for u...and lawak pon reading this book a bit slow sbb baru nak belajar bc novel-novel english nie..hehehe biasa ngadap novell melayu jer..and i dont understand why i bought this novel..maybe kerana covernyer cantik sbb bukan best selling pon...hehehe tp tak menyesal becoz this novel kept me thinking what i really want..

lain orang lain cara pemikirannyer kan???=)