Sunday, December 27, 2009

weekend-happy me..=)

Shocked??two post is two days??I am in the mood of writing..feeling guilty consuming me..wutever..
so, this weekend is quite lonely weekend..balik rumah tot that i can spend weekend with my family but turn out they left for Melaka to send my sister back to UTEM and to Johor next. My aunty coming back from Haji..alhamdulilah..=)
En.Kanda also away to Melaka for his sister wed. Congrats Kak Jaja!!
back to the weekend story..
my Saturday is really boring..i just surf the internet and fold some cloth and fix some stuffs. Luckily television program didn't turn me down really understand me, all the movie last night was great eventhough they keep repeating the same movie all over again..i don't mind at all..i watch ghost rider 2 times last night..oh Nicolas Cage!!
but, i found something very very interesting last night while googling..i stayed up to 3.30 am in the morning looking at the web..revealing later..=)
For Sunday, i don't have any plan at all. I just want to lay down on my bed and being lazy all day..
10.15 am-ting tong!!!
My Mak Usu and Arysa came to my house with one objective-------> shopping!!
Ikut jer lah..
We, went to Jusco Perda and then off to Sunway. Managed to get a few tops sebab dah tak der baju sangat yer betul tak tipu.
Kat Sunway tu, ader bodyshop. Kat bodyshop tu, ader cermin..kat cermin tu plak cermin ajaib sebab jelas menunjukkan bintik-bintik hitam dan bintik putih di muka ku!!
confidence level------>drop down to 20%!!!
Last time i get a facial was 6 months ago...
and after 6 months, it is really2 hurt!!!
nangis ok!!tak tipu..sakit!!
new year resolutin------> get facial once in two months=)
tak mahal pon RM35 jer..
alasan yang lebih konkrit ialah kena p sampling sekurang2nya 2 kali sebulan..nangis lagi...huhuhu
alasan lain..en.Kanda dah dekat..kena jaga wooo...=p
and addition to happy me edition i just cooked!!ahahah lama giler tak masak..masih sedap ok i masak..dah..nak makan..

new year and adrenaline

i need more adrenaline rush in my blood so that i can do and finish multiple jobs at one!!
wah..robot kah??hahahah but honestly, im really in critical condition to do what i love to do or i have to do (obviously this is the master thing)~~~~~~
By the way, new year is coming soon..a lot of new things is on their way..
I only hope the one big thing we've planned will be happened soon =)

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Maslia and Farid

I left as early as 7.45 am from USM heading to Taiping for my best friend solemnization ceremony as she told me too..We arived around 9.30 becz i had to pick up my mum first..

with hantaran for the groom
Yaya and Ain was invited we went there together!!thanks girls!!

Maslia and her sisiter arrived at mosque..honestly, it is very exclusive entrance because she is the latest and everybody is inside waiting for her..hahaha
Alhamdullilah, after 2 times lafaz, they're declared as husband and wife...=)
with schoolmates!!sorry girls. i had to leave early..unexpected situation occured!!T_T
togetehr with the boys..
its not a practice though..haha

Congrats look gorjes as a wifey now..have a safe journey on the next step!!I wish both of good luck!!heheheh
by the way, i had her pictures (about 700 of them) in my lappy as a present for her..we'll meet soon ya!!=)

Sunday, December 6, 2009

I wish

That i can be at few places at the same time
1. with my family
2. with him 
(or adakah with him first then family, dah kawin bleh lah..heh)
3. with my Buddies
4. at lab doing work
yeah, then i go crazy..huhuuh 

Friday, December 4, 2009


I'm silent but still alive,
jump from one blog to another,
just being a silent reader until yesterday..
I'm happy if my friends are happy,
and sad when they're sad and i hate it..
being overexcited and overreacted is who i am..
Life being so ordinary lately but then the colour is coming slowly..
I am so glad..they're here..he is here..
usually the weekend is very boring but not anymore (i hope)
future plan ahead..

Monday, October 12, 2009

~~~~Da' Events~~~

1. Let's Get Together
Date: 3rd of October 2009
2 weeks ago..hehe sorry for a long silent after hari raya..We (my team and I) have been super duper busy with all the preparation for Let's Get Together (sort of Open House). This is big event for us (BUDDIES) so we really do our best...just enjoy the credit to mervine and Joe Yin..
Fatin as Bank Negara CEO
our door mark..
part of the crew members
I am doing my job with Nik helping me at registration counter
5 beautifuls ladies dress up in Sari and baju Kurung..seriously gorgeos!!
the dancers!!!they so great!!
and my mum and mak usu also come met her old friend..
Rebecka and I...
This is only 1/20 pictures that we had..the rest is on my facebook...heee 
2. Malaysian Handshake
9th October 2009
I am the person in-charge for International office performance and participant. This event is all about students from other coutry understand our culture. We had a fashion show and dancing. And all exchange had so much fun becoz all of sudden they are superstar of the night!!thanks Sharon!!!
with Katie and Shannon..
with Taylor and Shannon..see, they all dress up in Malaysian costumes..
Ian and Pinja in Sarawak costume..heheheh
I think thats enough pictures..too many to upload...=) thanks to all who made these both events success...Gala Night is next....haiyaaa...

Monday, September 28, 2009

dah habis raya ker??tidaaaaaaaakkkk!!!!

Still more than 20 days of Syawal ahead..
Ending of Hari Raya meaning you have to back at work..with all the dirt and water sample and some paperworks to read, dateline to catch up, setel the claims and etc is a lot!!
I never thought of work at all during my break..but now i felt like i wanna explode!!so many works and so little time..this October, my weekends is full!!
  1. 3rd October-Lets get together..thanks Yaya for your repeating emails..i recieve it tones darling!!and at facebook are so good in publicity!!hehehe
  2. 10th October- I had something here but I forgot..T_T
  3. 16th October- Night Under Thousand Stars (we're dead if this event screw up and lets hope not!!)
  4. 17th October- Deepavali=Rafi's wedding at Pahang
  5. 24th October- Abg Piee convocation at Shah Alam..ehem ehem
  6. 31st October- Another function but not sure yet..ehem ehem hehehe

Got to go!!


The bag is present from me and my brother and my mum add some more...heheheh
My Pak su family
Yosuke's family but i don't have a picture of Yosuke here...sorry Yosuke!!
.....and Ian with my cousin, Mohsin..
Daddy is not in the pics becoz he is working..I miss u..T_T Hope next year dapat cuti....
But, he sent the pics of him having hari raya at work place..
my dad busy looking at the handphone..sigh...
All the crew....
Honestly, this is the most tired Hari Raya for me!!!

Sunday, September 20, 2009


Hari raya supposed to be fun and all happy thing but ASTRO services really screw up my mood!!! 
'services currently not available'
I watched this 'phrase' for more than 6 housrs now!! I am waiting for a show for 3 days and now I am starring at the black empty box with blue line quote the 'phrase'!!!wth
ASTRO suck!!!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

semua pon tajuk raya..

ok..pendekkan ajer..sibuk nie..heheheheh




I thought this raya no more duit raya but i still get it!!!Thanks Love and SV!!!heheheheh

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Rasa macam raya plak..

Semalam ada majlis berbuka puasa Iftar 1 siswa..Honestly I know nothing about this events just get invitation to come and invited other 49 peoples to join me..what a moment..ok..tipu skit..kena penuhkan kuota yang telah disediakan untuk International Office..hehehemore than 30 is coming and we have such a wonderful time..thanks guys!!
with buddies..all are angels...
With Rebecka and Sofia
'supporting each other'-us (but Yaya tertinggal..where r u gurl??)
the girlssss...=)
Looking forward for the buffet after dis...makan lagik....

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

I just know......

........two days ago that


It is showed that I am not that type of person who read paper everyday..T_T
I should be more alert because I am one of the regular customer here



I am one of the regular customer (again) here..sigh..

  1. Alert when the petrol price will go down
  2. read more fashion magazine...
Got to go!!

Sunday, September 6, 2009


We promised to watch this movie 2 months ago and we made it!!!
Yaya and Rebecka
Me and Rebecka (the one that made me promised to watch this movie together!!Thank you!!)
This movie is wrapped all the feelings, lonely, friendship, nature...everything!!!!
We had next movie on list already...
Really can't wait!!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Kenduri kendara

Selamat pengantin baru..
Ramai betui nak kawin pas raya nie..Alhamdulillah.. banyak dah kenduri yang dijemput dan akan cuba pergi tapi kena tengok masa dan keadaan..tak leh nak men redah jer..huhuhu
Check list:
  1. 3rd October- kenduri belah Rafi kat Pahang/ Akad nikah Nad kat Bangi/Let's Get Together seriusly tak tahu sempat ker tak nak attend semua nie..satu Pahang, satu Bangi satu Penang..huhuhuhu memanh rushing ler balik Penang. Kenduri belah Rafi adalah wajib pergi sebab kenduri ritu tak pi..
  2. somewhere middle of October- kenduri senior kat Teluk Intan, I am waiting for the card. Kalau kad tak sampai tak pergi lah jawabnya
  3. somewhere around Syawal- Sobri Amri kawin. Nie tak tau macam maner nak pi sebab baru tau 2 3 days ago. huhhuhuh tu lah Sob, hang tak habaq awai-awai T_T
  4. Bulan December-ok, nie bagi tau awal so memang kena pergi..pengantinnya akan di reveal kemudia..hehheheeh surprise.. 

Selamat bersahur!!!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Supplement during fasting month

I lost my weight this fasting month and it is bad for me..i ate all this almost everyday to gain back my weight!!

KFC whipped potato-large

Inner Shine-for energy and ngengada

and air soya

Hope i will gain back my weight up to 50kg!!

Pengajaran hari ini: bangun awal di waktu pagi menceriakan hari anda..heheheh

Sunday, August 30, 2009

setelah seminggu lebih Ramadahan berlalu...

Sedar tak sedar seminggu lebih dah puasa..jap jer...pejam celik pejam celik tau2 esok nak raya..pastu raya ke3 Sob kawin...aaaaa...cepatnya masa berlalu.. many things happened last two weeks..first of all..sampling..this is second sampling tapi  untuk sample pertama di Merbok Kedah..aper yang best sangat citer sampling kan??tapi nak habaq first taim in my life jumpa ular air..huhuhuhu pucat sebentar..=p nak upload gmbr, tapi cari tak jumpa pulak..hmmmm...

Ok, next is Perak is crazy but fun though..plan tunggang langgang and kucar-kacir..timer kasih kepada Aufa and is so adventerous for three of us..hahahah meredah hujan bagai nak jumpa buah hati masing..hahahah tu lah orang cakap atas nama cinta..eceh :p

after all fun thing happened, lab taim..tak suka betul...huhuhuhu ok, not my lab..just assist lab sure double bosan kan..pengajaran untuk student2 di luar sana..kalau pakai tudung, sila jangan pakai tudung ke depan sehingga tak nampak aper yang terjadi di sisi anda..yer tau, tak nak kena panas, tapi agak2 ler..bila En.lab bagi arahan, berpusing 360 darjah tercari2 and tak tau aper yang ditunjuk..hai la...

Asyik hujan jer skrang nie..heaven betul..=)

Selamat berpuasa semua!!jangan lupa niat dah..